Find out what roles does testosterone play in the menstrual cycle, including what happens if it is imbalanced and how to keep it in check. Read more here!
Find out what roles does testosterone play in the menstrual cycle, including what happens if it is imbalanced and how to keep it in check. Read more here!
Testosterone, a principle hormone in the human body, is vital to every woman's health and well-being. Decreased testosterone levels can lead to loss of lib
Testosterone helps boost female libido, prevent bone fractures, and elevate mood. Discover 3 exercises that can help boost a woman's testosterone levels.
An improper balance of testosterone in the body can negatively affect women. Discover more about the foods that can help balance these hormones.
Low levels of testosterone can cause problems. Among the top foods to boost your testosterone levels are: chocolate, strawberries, garlic, and oysters.
Low energy levels, decreased libido, and mood swings during menopause may be the result of decreased testosterone. Boosting testosterone can ease symptoms.
Learn all about the importance of testosterone in women. This hormone is responsible for boosting libido and fluctuations of testosterone levels may occur.
Imbalanced testosterone levels aren't something that only men have to worry about. Although women produce only one-seventh of the testosterone men do...
Women going through "the change" may also be noticing a change in their body shape: during menopause, fat storage begins to increase around the abdomen.
During menopause, your body is going through a lot of changes. Your hormone levels are fluctuating and you may be experiencing a variety of menopause sympt
Your body is a complex machine and sometimes things can be slightly off balance inside it. There are lots of different hormones functioning within your bod
Besides its function of elevating your mood, testosterone is vital to increasing your libido. It is not the answer for all women experiencing problems...
Did you know testosterone is not only a male hormone and that women need it, too? Learn more about the difference in testosterone between men and women here!
While testosterone has been linked with raising female libido, preventing bone fractures and elevating mood, women should proceed with extreme caution.
Women suffering from menopause often find themselves at a higher risk for osteoporosis, and that can be very scary. So what can you do to help prevent oste
Testosterone is often considered to be a male hormone; television shows and the media often portray it as being the defining characteristic of men.
Despite generally being associated with the male reproductive system, testosterone is a hormone that is produced in small quantities in women.
The fluctuations of your hormones during menopause could affect your weight, and not for the better. There are three main hormones that are active.
Testosterone is often characterized as the hormone of muscle men, but women actually need testosterone just as much as men do. Although women produce on av
Hormone levels fluctuate wildly during menopause; it's this that causes many menopause symptoms. You may not realize it, but one of the hormones affected i
Hot flashes, night sweats, and missed periods can be troublesome symptoms. However, of all your menopause symptoms...
Testosterone is often thought of as a male hormone, but it is actually vital to the female body as well. Although men produce about 20 times more.
You may not realize it, but testosterone is vital to your body. It is predominantly portrayed as a masculine hormone, but women actually need it just as mu
Most women know how estrogen and progesterone impact their menopausal symptoms, but few understand the role of testosterone.
Known more for its role in supporting male sexual function, testosterone is also important in providing balance in a woman's body.
It can come as a shock to women to know that their bodies are producing what is often referred to as the "male" hormone. However, an adult woman's ovaries
Even though women produce one-seventh of the testosterone that men do, the hormone is vital to maintain several female functions.
It may be shocking for some women to learn that it is not only men who have testosterone, but that they also produce this hormone. A woman's ovaries...
You may not realize it, but your body needs testosterone just as much as a man does. Although the male body produces about 20 times more testosterone than
As a woman going through menopause, your hormones are likely to be fluctuating wildly. It's these undulating levels of hormones that cause many menopause s
It became popular for women experiencing hormonal imbalance to seek relief by using testosterone products or undergoing testosterone replacement therapy.
As we age our bodies produce less estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone and by the age of 40, women produce only about half of the testosterone...
Feeling sexy during the hormone fluctuations that come along with menopause can sometimes be a challenge. Experiencing sexual desire can seem impossible...
Alongside estrogen, testosterone is arguably the most important hormone in the female body. Bone strength, muscle mass, energy, cognitive functioning and m
When a couple makes the decision to try to start a family, the woman may start focusing on managing her health to prepare for pregnancy.
Testosterone is also necessary in small quantities in the female body. As one of the main hormones involved in reproduction, it is crucial for your sexual
Some women are surprised to hear that they produce too much testosterone, and that it isn't just a hormone for men.
Testosterone is an integral part of your body and crucial to ensuring that you complete many daily and bodily functions.
Testosterone is known as the "male" hormone. However, women also have testosterone. Read how to reduce testosterone levels when they increase dangerously?
Women only produce one-seventh the amount of testosterone that men do, but this doesn't mean it isn't an important hormone.
Menopause is a natural transition. You can't stop it, but there are things that you can do to ease the symptoms. Many people see testosterone as the male h
Why do women need the "male" hormone testosterone? Is it possible for zinc to help increase, or re-balance my testosterone levels? The theory that zinc is
Testosterone is often blamed for any overt male display of sexuality. Testosterone may be responsible for muscle mass, this hormone is essential for both
Having insufficient testosterone may not sound like a big deal if you're a woman, but it can actually have a huge impact on your life. Although women only
Testosterone is responsible for many functions of the female body. This steroidal hormone is present in both men and women, though men produce almost seven
Women produce testosterone in their body. This androgen is secreted by the ovaries and it is responsible for functions like libido and muscle mass.
Women experiencing a lack of testosterone can suffer from decreased libido, short term memory loss, decreased muscle and bone mass, and other complications
People generally consider testosterone as a male hormone that turns boys into men. Although this is true, testosterone is also present in females.
Yes, women have testosterone, too! Although we only produce a fraction of the amount that men produce, this hormone plays a vital role in our bodily functi
Testosterone is a vital component of sexual health.If your testosterone levels are low, there are lifestyle changes that you can make to improve them.
For women, testosterone may be available in limited supply, but it can make a big difference in their bodily functions. Especially when it comes to memory
As a woman enters to her menopausal transition, she will begin to experience an array of hormonal fluctuations and symptoms related to them.
You may have thought acne was a thing of the past; a phase to be forgotten along with middle school crushes and teenage drama. If acne has made a comeback
Many people have an inaccurate perception about testosterone, believing that it is exclusively a male hormone but this is certainly not the case.
Though not widely known, the hormone testosterone is not only present, but vital to the sexual health of women. During menstruation, testosterone is conver
The biggest sign of low testosterone levels is a low sex drive, and for those who suffer from loss of libido it can be a frustrating and embarrassing time.
What Is Testosterone? Testosterone is a sex hormone produced by the testes in the male body. Women also produce testosterone, though in lesser amounts in t
At certain times in their lives, women may suffer from an imbalance of testosterone. This hormone is essential for sexual regulation, as well as cognitive
Women need testosterone just as much as men do, even though they produce much smaller quantities of it. Because testosterone plays such an important role i
In order to understand the importance of herbs that increase testosterone, it is first important to identify what testosterone is. Testosterone regulates m
Testosterone is an androgen hormone that is present in both men and women. For women, testosterone is created in the ovaries and the adrenal glands.
In order to first quantify what testosterone gel is it is first necessary to understand what testosterone is and what it does for the human body. Testoster
Testosterone patches are transdermal, meaning that they're a treatment applied directly to the skin, and are considered a viable and safe alternative for t
Testosterone is a sex hormone produced by the male body in the testes. In females it is also produced, but in smaller amounts, by the adrenal glands and ov
Quick Fact: At 40 a woman´s testosterone levels are roughly 50% lower than they were when she was 20. Testosterone is a sex hormone produced by the male bo
What is testosterone? Testosterone is a steroid hormone that comes from the androgen group and is produced in the testes of men and the ovaries of women.
Women faced with the problems of testosterone deficiency often look to supplementary testosterone enhancers as the cure all for its symptoms. However, it i
Women produce testosterone, but in the ovaries and adrenal glands, and in lesser amounts than men. In both males and females testosterone is regulated by t
An investigation of adult women described the connection between testosterone levels and hemoglobin levels. Enter here to read this free article.
All women have some amounts of testosterone, the hormone is in fact essential for good health. However,high levels of testosterone cause health problems.
A better understanding of how your body works will help you cope with hormonal fluctuations.
Detecting symptoms of hormonal imbalance can prevent you from developing serious conditions.
Implement simple lifestyle changes and natural approaches to prevent, manage, and relieve symptoms.