Testosterone is known as the “male” hormone by many people; however, women also require testosterone for the proper functioning of their bodies. Sometimes, when hormone levels are fluctuating, these levels increase excessively, and women wonder how to reduce testosterone levels.
What Is Testosterone?

Although the proportions are smaller, testosterone is produced in female's body, in the ovaries and adrenal glands. It plays a role during reproduction because testosterone works as a libido enhancer, being released during ovulation periods to facilitate egg fertilization, among other functions. On the other hand, when testosterone levels fluctuate, there could be unsettling consequences for the body.
How Can I Reduce My Testosterone Levels?
Testosterone, though generally beneficial for the body, can also be very damaging when experienced at higher than normal levels. Some side effects related to high testosterone levels are: increased hair growth (especially on the face), deepening on the voice, changes in body shape, and depression. In order to prevent these symptoms, learning how to reduce testosterone levels is crucial. After high testosterone levels have been diagnosed as a health problem, there are some treatment recommendations that can be easily implemented.
Lifestyle changes
There are some everyday habits that could be changed in order to balance hormone levels. For example:
- Avoid cigarettes and alcohol. Research has shown that smoking and drinking produce changes in hormone levels. They can also influence the severity and frequency of the unpleasant symptoms you may be experiencing.
- Exercise regularly. Working out increases energy levels and helps to maintain balanced hormone levels. Exercising for 30 minutes a day, five days a week will provide optimum results.
- Maintain a balanced diet. Fruits and vegetables, as well as proteins and whole grains, should always be present in everyone's diet. Eliminate or cut back on processed foods, and those high in sugar and fat.
Natural alternative treatments
Because lifestyle changes sometimes are not enough to combat hormonal imbalance, you may need to try another complementary treatment. That's where alternative treatments like herbs come into play. There are two distinct categories of herbal supplements that may help to reduce your testosterone levels:
Phytoestrogenic supplements

By consuming plant-derived estrogen, females tend to be able to balance to their testosterone levels. Some plants that contain phytoestrogens are black cohosh, soy, among others. These types of herbs are not recommended for long term use, because they have been known to hinder the body's natural hormone production abilities.
Hormone-regulating supplements
Some plants can help regulate overall hormonal levels by stimulating endocrine production. No new hormones are introduced in the body; therefore, allowing its own regulation. Macafem is a good supplement that nourishes the body and encourages it to regulate hormone production on its own.
If these two options are not effective enough in reducing testosterone levels, you may want to consult your doctor to discuss other treatment options. To be better informed before your doctor's appointment, click on the following link, and learn about lowering testosterone levels.