BioIdentical Hormones

Medically reviewed

Medically reviewed by Brenda G., MD | Written by SheCares Editorial Team | Updated: Jul 10, 2020

As symptoms of hormonal imbalance plague women's reproductive lives, principally during the menopausal transition, many turn to pharmaceutical measures to find quick relief.

Lately, bioidentical hormones are becoming a popular choice for women all over the world, given that they're effective plant-derived alternatives to traditional hormone replacement therapy. However, as with any treatment, it is essential to be fully informed about their advantages and disadvantages.

In the following sections, women will become familiar with bioidentical hormones and bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) as a whole, learning about what they are, common hormones taken, their side effects, and the alternative options available to use.

BioIdentical Hormone Replacement Therapy - BHRT

About BioIdentical Hormones

Bioidentical hormones - also known as natural hormones - are plant- or animal-based hormones identical in molecular structure to those produced in a woman's body.

They are derived from yams, soy, or pregnant mare urine to be then engineered in a laboratory to serve human purposes.

Click on the following link to learn more about bioidentical hormones and bioidentical hormone therapy, or continue on to the next section about the most common hormones used in bioidentical hormone replacement.

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Common BioIdentical Hormones

Common BioIdentical Hormones

The three main hormones replaced during BHRT are:

Click on the following link to learn more about common bioidentical hormones or discover more individualized information concerning each hormone within the sections below.

Bioidentical Estrogen Replacement Therapy

Bioidentical estrogens are plant- or animal-derived hormones that match the estrogen types found in the female body, which are estradiol, estrone, and estriol.

Bioidentical estrogen is available in various routes of administration, including transvaginal, oral, transdermal, or subcutaneous.

The hormonal imbalance symptoms that could be relieved by its use include vaginal dryness, hot flashes, night sweats, weight gain, sleeping problems, and many more.

Learn more about bioidentical estrogen replacement therapy, in addition to its benefits and side effects, by clicking on the previous link, or continue on to learn about progesterone.

Bioidentical Progesterone Replacement Therapy

Bioidentical progesterone is also a plant-derived hormone that is chemically identical to that of human progesterone.

Women may choose to administer bioidentical progesterone transvaginally, orally, or transdermally depending on personal preference and hormonal needs.

Moreover, women generally take bioidentical progesterone in order to alleviate symptoms of hot flashes, mood changes, weight gain, hair loss, and fatigue, among others. 

Learn all you need to know about bioidentical progesterone replacement therapy, in addition to their side effects, by clicking on the previous link, or continue on to the next section to learn about testosterone.

Bioidentical Testosterone Replacement Therapy

As the least commonly given bioidentical hormone to women, testosterone is generally prescribed off-label and only to women with sufficient estrogen levels. 

It is available in a few routes of administration, including oral, transdermal, and sublingual.

Some of the most common symptoms relieved with the introduction of the androgen into the body are loss of libido, depressed moods, irritability, lack of well-being, and loss of muscle mass.

Read more about the benefits and side effects of bioidentical testosterone replacement therapy, or discover more pertinent information about bioidentical hormones during a major turning point of a woman's reproductive life, menopause.

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BioIdentical Hormones and Menopause

BioIdentical Hormones and Menopause

As a woman's fertile years end with the menopausal transition, drastic hormone fluctuations ensue, causing a variety of the symptoms that include, but are not limited to, hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, and mood swings.

For decades, women relied on hormone replacement therapy (HRT) to relieve their symptoms until its serious side effects were revealed. Ever since, women are moving steadily away from traditional HRT in favor of natural hormone replacement therapy.

However, bioidentical hormones are manufactured synthetically by a process similar to most pharmaceutical hormones, presenting safety and effectiveness concerns.

Click on the link for more information about bioidentical hormones and menopause, or keep reading to learn more in-depth information regarding bioidentical hormones side effects.

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Risks and Side Effects of BioIdentical Hormones

Risks and Side Effects of BioIdentical Hormones

Little scientific evidence has surfaced regarding the risks of bioidentical hormone therapy, yet women who pursue any hormone therapy are at a greater risk of blood clots, stroke, heart disease, and more.

Likewise, the side effects associated with natural hormone therapy can vary depending on the hormone type and dosage, but general adverse reactions include breast tenderness, cramps, digestive issues, excessive hair, spotting, and more.

Click on the following link to learn all you need to know about bioidentical hormones risks and side effects, or continue reading to find out about less risky alternatives to bioidentical hormones.

What Effects to Expect from Bioidentical Hormone Treatment What Effects to Expect from Bioidentical Hormone Treatment

Alternatives to BioIdentical Hormones

Alternatives to BioIdentical Hormones

As bioidentical hormones risks and side effects are becoming more apparent throughout the years, women are looking for alternatives to natural hormone replacement, which includes a combination approach of:

Lifestyle Changes

Adopting lifestyle changes requires the most willpower, yet involves the lowest risk.

Positive changes that involve regular exercises, an optimized diet, and wholesome habits not only help alleviate symptoms of hormonal imbalance, but also drastically improve overall well-being.

Complementary therapies

Alongside lifestyle changes, some women may also wish to perform more holistic treatment alternatives to bioidentical hormones, which further promote endocrine system health.

Some of the most popular complementary therapies include acupuncture, biofeedback, and stress-reducing yoga, tai chi, and muscle relaxation, among others.

Alternative medicine

Women can reap the best results when combining aforementioned efforts alongside alternative medicine.

Two types of herbal remedies are primarily used in treating hormonal imbalance, phytoestrogenic supplements or hormone-regulating supplements. Both offer women unique properties to help them get up and going for a symptom-free life.

Click on the following link to find out more about alternatives to bioidentical hormones so that you can finally get back to feeling like yourself again without it being at the cost of your overall health.

Are There Effective Alternatives to Bioidentical Hormones? Are There Effective Alternatives to Bioidentical Hormones?
