Bioidentical hormone therapy involves a set of hormones that are given to women to help their bodies combat the most frustrating menopause symptoms.
Bioidentical hormone therapy involves a set of hormones that are given to women to help their bodies combat the most frustrating menopause symptoms.
As suggested by their name, bioidentical hormones are exactly the same as the hormones in your own body. Unlike the hormones in your body, however, bioiden
According to an article published in the Medical Journal of Australia, biodientical hormones have been linked with an increased risk for endometrial cancer
A bioidentical hormones FAQ to answer all your questions about bioidentical hormones and treatments for menopause symptoms, including cost and safety.
Bioidentical hormones are structurally-similar hormones extracted from plants, but they are not identical to natural hormones produced in the body.
Bioidentical hormones are a popular treatment for menopause symptoms, but they are not natural hormones. Click here to learn how they are produced.
Discover more about bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, its benefits, risks, and why the FDA doesn't recognize it as a menopausal treatment.
Learn about the effects of bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, a treatment used to balance hormone levels using hormones similar to those in humans.
Discover more about the relationship between bioidentical hormones and cancer. Additional benefits and risks of this form of therapy are also provided.
Bioidentical hormones are created in a lab and replicate hormones in the body. This therapy treats the symptoms of hormonal imbalance and prevents diseases.
Estrogen bioidentical hormone therapy uses plant extracts identical to hormones in the body to treat hormonal imbalance. It carries risks and side effects.
Bioidentical hormones are an increasingly popular treatment for menopause. They are hormones that are manufactured in a laboratory from plant extracts.
If you're going through postmenopause, it's likely that you're looking for the right treatment. Read on to learn whether bioidentical can really help you.
Bioidentical hormones were first discovered in the 1930s, by the Canadian researcher James Collip. Since the inception of this new menopause buster, bioide
When you're searching for ways to combat your menopause symptoms, things can get very confusing. With all the conflicting information out there, it's no wo
When you're trying to combat menopause symptoms, it can seem like you're also fighting against the overwhelming treatments available.
Hair loss is a known side effect of menopause, find out how bioidentical hormones help fight hair loss and most importantly, whether they are safe.
It's is just one of the many delivery methods of bioidentical hormones. Bioidentical hormones are a treatment method for women suffering from menopause sym
Before to understand what bio identical doctors are and what they do it is necessary to understand what bioidentical hormones are and what effect they have.
Are you suffering from menopause symptoms? Looking for some way to get your old self back? Worried you are going to be stuck with hot flashes, mood swings,
Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy and hormone replacement therapy are two ways of addressing imbalances that occur in the body's natural hormone lev
Natural hormones are the hormones that are produced in the human body. Estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone are particularly important in women as they
Widely used to treat symptoms of menopause, from hot flashes to fatigue, bioidentical hormones have become a popular alternative to traditional hormone rep
Bioidentical hormones are manufactured in a laboratory, but are similar in molecular structure to hormones made within the body.
Similar to synthetic hormone replacement therapy, bioidentical hormones are prescribed to help stabilize or increase a woman's hormone levels.
With a string of celebrity endorsements and popular backlash against the reported health risks of standard hormone replacement therapy (HRT), bioidentical
Generating much buzz in recent years as the "natural" alternative to hormone replacement therapy (HRT), bioidentical hormones would appear to be the next
Commonly referred to as "natural hormones" because they are identical to hormones produced in the body (estrogen, testosterone, progesterone), bioidentical
Vaginal dryness, anxiety, headaches, tingling extremities, etc. The list of symptoms associated with menopause just goes on and on.
When you're experiencing menopause, it can seem inescapable. You may be suffering from symptoms ranging from vaginal dryness and hair loss.
In recent years, bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (bHRT) has become a popular alternative to standard hormone replacement therapy (HRT) among women
As you reach menopause, your hormone levels are thrown off-kilter. This imbalance can trigger a range of symptoms, from hot flashes to mood swings.
Faced with harsh menopause symptoms, women will look anywhere for relief. Recently, many women have been turning to bioidentical hormones, lab-produced com
One of the increasingly popular ways of combating menopausal symptoms is through bioidentical hormones. Bioidentical hormones are plant-based hormones, usu
During menopause, imbalances in the estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone levels cause symptoms such as hot flashes, fatigue, and headache.
Deciding on the best method to fight your menopause symptoms can be tough. There are so many options, and each has its own benefits and risks.
Bioidentical hormones can sometimes help reduce weight gain; however, depending on the combination and dosage of hormones, it could also cause weight gain.
During menopause, your body goes through a lot of changes. You may be suffering from symptoms like vaginal dryness, hair loss, or osteoporosis. Hormonal im
Developments in medical treatments for menopause over the past two decades have led to an increased number of options for women who just can't take hot fla
If you've just had a hysterectomy, there's no doubt that you're feeling winded and your muscles are sore. However, there are simple ways to get back to you
With hormone change comes countless symptoms. Women often feel depressed, have weight gain, PMS symptoms, fatigue, mood swings and many more symptoms due t
Bioidentical hormones are molecularly identical to natural hormones. Consequently, they have led to many people to believe that they are safer than synthet
They are the pellet form of bioidentical hormone therapy. They are placed underneath the skin, usually under the buttock, and they release hormones.
Bioidentical hormone compounding is a customized hormone therapy treatment that is individually tailored to a woman's biological needs.
What are compounded bioidentical hormones? Compounded bioidentical hormones are a form of hormone therapy, made to counteract the symptoms.
What Is the FDA? The FDA is an acronym for The Food and Drug Administration, the U.S. organization in charge of regulating food, drinks, medication, such a
Heralded by celebrities such as Oprah Winfrey and Suzanne Somers, bioidentical hormones are quickly becoming the go-to therapy for relief from symptoms of
A better understanding of how your body works will help you cope with hormonal fluctuations.
Detecting symptoms of hormonal imbalance can prevent you from developing serious conditions.
Implement simple lifestyle changes and natural approaches to prevent, manage, and relieve symptoms.