What are compounded bioidentical hormones?

Compounded bioidentical hormones are a form of hormone therapy, made to counteract the symptoms of a hormone deficiency in women. Compounded bioidentical hormones differ from traditional hormone replacement therapy because they have been individually tailored or “compounded” in order to meet the needs of individual patients. Such compounded bioidentical hormones are created at a molecular level to ensure that they are as close to a woman's own hormones as possible.
Who uses compounded bioidentical hormones?
Compounded bioidentical hormones and menopause:
Compounded bioidentical hormones are primarily used by women who are suffering from the many symptoms of a hormone deficiency. This natural stage in women's lives is known as menopause and can affect different women in different ways. With the decline of important hormones such as estrogen and progesterone, women's bodies can react in unpredictable ways. Some of the 34 known menopause symptoms include: Hot flashes, night sweats, loss of libido, vaginal dryness, and hair loss.
How Do Compounded Bioidentical Hormones Function?
Compounded bioidentical hormones as a closer match
Compounded bioidentical hormones are becoming increasingly popular because of their distinctive difference from conventional hormone replacement therapy. While engineered hormones from hormone replacement therapy attempt to mimic women's hormones at a menopausal stage, compounded bioidentical hormones attempt to match women's hormones at a stage before menopause. Such a process is said to make the introduction of hormones in this regard considerably easier on the patient.
What Alternatives to Compounded Bioidentical Hormones Exist?

Compounded bioidentical hormone therapy isn't the only method of treating women with a hormone deficiency. There are other options in the treatment of women's menopause symptoms. These include:
Hormone replacement therapy
Considered to be the most effective if not aggressive treatment of menopause symptoms. Conventional hormone replacement therapy is the number one treatment method used by women in the U.S. today. Its proven links to breast cancer have slowed its uptake down slightly.
Phytoestrogenic herbs
Phytoestrogenic herbs are considered to be a natural alternative to compounded bioidentical hormones. This is because herbs such as ginseng and black cohosh grow naturally and instead introduce plant-like hormones, known as phytoestrogens into a woman's body.
Hormone-regulating supplements: function by encouraging women's hormone receptors to produce more hormones. Because they are not introducing any chemicals into the body they are seen as a safer herbal option.
Compounded bioidentical hormone therapy is one method of treatment for menopause symptoms that has become increasingly popular. The treatment seems a great deal safer and more effective than traditional HRT but comes with a plethora of risks. For this reason, many medical practitioners are keen for women suffering from menopause symptoms to consider all the treatment options as an alternative to compounded bio identical therapy.