As suggested by their name, bioidentical hormones are exactly the same as the hormones in your own body. Unlike the hormones in your body, however, bioidentical hormones are produced in laboratories, usually from the components of plants. They match exactly the formula of the hormones produced in your body. Read on to learn more about how bioidentical hormones work.
How Bioidentical Hormones Work

Bioidentical hormones were first used all the way back in 1930; they were used to treat symptoms of menopause. Since then, bioidentical hormones have become mass produced. Bioidentical hormones can be used to replace the hormones that you lose at different periods of your life, like during menopause. Bioidentical hormones are typically made up of lots of different hormones, like estriol, estrone, testosterone, and progesterone. Hormones in the body act as messengers. They are sent from one cell in the body to another. When you are hungry, a conversation will have been made between two or more parts of your body, alerting you to this fact. The communication between the cells will have been made by using hormones to deliver messages. Bioidentical hormones work by replacing the hormones in your body. Read on to learn why hormones are so important.
The Role of Hormones

Hormones are vital to you and your body. They help regulate lots of the body's functions, like sodium retention. When your levels of hormones fluctuate, as happens during menopause, big changes happen to your body. Symptoms of menopause include vaginal dryness, hair loss, and mood swings; these are all caused by fluctuating levels of hormones in your body.
Boosting levels of hormones that may have been reduced during menopause could help to relieve you of some of the menopausal symptoms you are experiencing. Read on to learn whether bioidentical hormones are for you.
Are Bioidentical Hormones Right for Me?

Bioidentical hormones are just one way of treating symptoms of menopause. There are other ways to help, for instance, herbal remedies, homeopathic treatments, and lifestyle changes. Women find solace in these methods and it is advisable to try these methods before committing to bioidentical hormone replacement therapy. Although, bioidentical hormone replacement therapy has been associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease, you should consult a relevant medical professional before commencing with any treatment.
Click on the following link to read more about herbal remedies for your symptoms of menopause.