Your body is a complex machine and sometimes things can be slightly off balance inside it. There are lots of different hormones functioning within your body, and while they are normally balanced and working in sync, there are times when levels can go awry and become too high. These increased hormone levels can cause physical and emotional problems.
It can be difficult to know when your hormone levels are higher than normal, as there is no obvious hormone level-reader on your body. However, there are techniques that you can learn for discovering whether your hormone levels are higher than normal. Read on to learn how to discover if your testosterone levels are too high.
The Necessity of Testosterone
Testosterone is often stereotyped as a uniquely male hormone. You may not realize it, but women actually need testosterone just as much as men do. On average a man produces around 20 times more testosterone a day than a woman does, but it is nonetheless an important hormone for women.
In women, testosterone helps to maintain muscle tone and keeps brain tissue invigorated, it also helps to keep your libido high. However, while testosterone is important to the female body, you don't want too much of the stuff; it is vital to have balanced levels. Read on to learn how you can tell if your testosterone levels are higher than normal.
The Appearance of Masculine Signs
There are several ways to tell if your testosterone levels are higher than normal. When your testosterone levels are excessively high, you may experience a number of side effects, so it's important to know what you're looking for.
Women with testosterone levels that are higher than normal often look adopt features that appear masculine: male pattern baldness can occur, fat starts to be deposited around the stomach and away from the hips, and the voice can deepen. If your testosterone levels are too high you may experience skin problems (most commonly acne and excessive oil), increased body hair growth (especially in places a woman wouldn't normally have hair, like the upper lip), and mood swings.
Luckily, there are some simple lifestyle changes that you can make to help cope with high testosterone levels and correct this hormonal imbalance. Try doing things like exercising regularly for at least half an hour a day, and making sure you're eating healthy.
Click on the following link to know more about the different testosterone imbalance treatments available to you when your hormone levels are higher than normal.