Testosterone is often characterized as the hormone of muscle men, but women actually need testosterone just as much as men do. Although women produce on average 20 times less testosterone a day than men, it is still a vital hormone to you. It helps to increase your fertility and libido, and it also helps to maintain your muscle tone and brain tissue. Testosterone levels can drop during menopause, which can prompt disconcerting side effects. Read on to learn about how you can boost your testosterone levels during these testing times.
Why Do Testosterone Levels Drop during Menopause?
Hormones help to keep our bodies regulated, but to do this they must work to maintain a delicate balance. During menopause this balance is frequently disrupted. It's this disruption that causes most of the symptoms of menopause. Testosterone levels can drop during menopause. Low testosterone levels in women are associated with menopause symptoms like loss of libido, depression, osteoporosis and mood swings. Read on to find out which are the best solutions for keeping your testosterone levels up.
Boosting Your Testosterone Levels
Running shoes

Okay, so just buying running shoes won't actually boost your testosterone levels, but using them will. An active lifestyle is vital if you want to keep your hormone levels balanced and fight back against your menopause symptoms. You may want to try running or walking or taking an aerobics class. In fact, any activity that keeps your heart rate up for 30 minutes a day is good enough, so try to find an exercise that you find enjoyable.
Improving what you eat is an easy and simple way of correcting your testosterone deficiency. You need to avoid foods high in sodium, alcohol and caffeine and embrace a healthy diet filled with water, fresh fruit, like apples, and vegetables. As well as helping to equalize your hormone imbalance, eating a proper diet could also increase your resistance against the effects of menopause symptoms.
Herbs are finally getting the recognition they deserve; they are no longer considered alternative or cultish. In fact, in some places, herbs are even used to treat Alzheimer's disease. Like humans, plants are all unique, so you should do some research before trying a variety of herbs, to decide which one is right for you. Some herbs, like black cohosh and dong quai, are estrogenic herbs, and some studies have suggested that these types of herbs actively work to combat the symptoms of menopause.
Click on the following link to learn about ways to test your testosterone levels.