What All Women Should Know About Estrogen Therapy

Updated: Jun 18, 2020

Estrogen therapy has proven to provide relief for women who are suffering from estrogen imbalance. Changes in hormone levels can often lead to uncomfortable situations, from minor headaches to more serious symptoms, such as hot flashes, night sweats, or mood swings. Some women experience mild symptoms, while for other women estrogen and other hormone changes can impede daily life and disrupt activities more severely.

As a result, some women seek advice from their doctors; one possible treatment option to consider is estrogen therapy. There are many treatments available. Keep reading to find out more about estrogen therapy.

What Can Estrogen Therapy Do?

What All Women Should Know About Estrogen Therapy-2

Estrogen is the main sex hormone and is actually made of up three different hormones, estrone, estradiol, and estriol. Women who have low levels of estrogen might go through estrogen therapy to rebalance the hormones. This treatment introduces estrogen into the body to balance levels of this hormone.

What Are the Forms of Estrogen Therapy?

Generally, there are three different forms of treatment available:

  • Vaginal creams. Similar alternatives are available in gel form.
  • Oral therapy. Pills are the most popular form of ET.
  • Transdermal therapy. Patches provide slow release of hormones over the course of a month.

What Are the Most Common Estrogen Therapy Side Effects?

Side effects range from non-noticeable to severe. If a woman is experiencing any of these symptoms or if symptoms get worse, she should consult her doctor as soon as possible.

Here is a list of some of the most common estrogen therapy side effects:

estrogen sources
  • General feeling of illness  
  • Rapid weight gain
  • Blood-filled skin sores
  • Changes in vaginal bleeding
  • Confusion
  • Joint or muscle aches
  • Breast lumps or discharge from nipples
  • Swollen feet and lower legs
  • Depression
  • Increased breast size
  • Persistent nausea or vomiting
  • Breast pain
  • Pains in the stomach
  • Uncontrolled jerky muscle movement
  • Unusual tiredness

Alternative Ways to Treat an Estrogen Deficiency

As mentioned above estrogen therapy is often accompanied by small doses of progesterone. Many women have found that estrogen therapy has worked for them, but there are certain side effects associated with hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and health risks that should be reviewed with one's doctor.

Besides clinical estrogen therapy, lifestyle changes such as exercise, a healthy diet, and a reduction of stress are invaluable to the health of a woman and the natural cycles of estrogen. A healthy life style can put the body back on track and make the body able to deal with symptoms better.

If those recommendations are not enough, there are also alternative medicines such as teas, supplements, and therapies that have been known to help women deal with fluctuating hormone levels. Click on this link for more information on alternative estrogen therapy and treatments.

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