A decrease in estrogen hormones can be caused by a number of different things; however, menopause is one of the most common causes of this decline. On average, menopause occurs when women are around the age of 50, due to the slowing down of women's menstrual cycles. The ovaries begin to shut down and there is a decrease in estrogen levels. An imbalance between a woman's estrogen and progesterone levels can cause many unpleasant side effects.
What Are the Effects of a Decrease in Estrogen Levels?
A decrease in estrogen levels can have many different effects on menopausal women, including:
Hot flashes
Hot flashes occur when there is a decrease in estrogen, which control the body's temperature regulator. When there is a decrease in estrogen levels, the hypothalamus, the part of the brain that controls the body's temperature, no longer works accurately. Women then begin to experience hot flashes.
Hot flashes can leave women feeling flushed, hot, and sweaty. There are a number of steps women can take to avoid hot flashes such as:
- Exercise regularly
- Eat a healthy and balanced diet, but avoid spicy food and hot soups Dress in layers
- Reduce consumption of caffeine and alcohol
Night sweats
Night sweats are similar to hot flashes and also occur due to a decrease in estrogen and a fault in the body's internal heat regulator. Night sweats can cause women to wake in the night feeling hot and sweaty. There are a number of steps women can take to avoid night sweats including:
- Sleep in breathable pajamas
- Keep a glass of water next to the bed
- Avoid spicy foods and hot soups before bed
- Keep a hand fan nearby
Loss of libido
A loss of libido is one of the common effects when there is a decrease in estrogen hormones. A loss of libido can cause rifts in women's personal relationships and can be extremely upsetting. However, there are a number of steps women can take in an attempt to increase their libido.

- Yoga helps to relax women and relieve stress.
- Regularly do Kegel exercises, which strengthen pelvic muscles and increase the blood flow to the area.
- Try eating foods such as oysters, which are high in zinc, and almonds, which are loaded with magnesium.
If a decrease in estrogen levels is beginning to affect women's everyday lives, there are different prescribed medications available that can help. Menopausal women do not have to endure a decrease in estrogen without any assistance. Click here for more information about increasing estrogen levels and treating the adverse menopause symptoms.