How Do I Know if I Have Low Progesterone Levels?

Updated: Jun 18, 2020

Do you suffer from inexplicable mood swings? Have you recently been experiencing anxiety and don't know why? Are you having trouble conceiving?

Progesterone is responsible for the development of the reproductive system in women

If you answered yes to any of the above questions, it is possible that your body currently has low levels of progesterone. Progesterone levels that are too low or too high can have an adverse affect on a woman's health and well-being.

It is important to be aware of your levels of progesterone, and take treatments to regulate it if necessary. Continue reading for details on symptoms of low progesterone levels and the tests that you can take.

Symptoms of Low Progesterone

Low levels of progesterone can manifest themselves in a number of symptoms. Many common symptoms are subjective. Low levels of progesterone can affect how a woman is feeling, her energy levels and her emotions. Subjective symptoms of low levels of progesterone include:

  • Headaches
  • Fatigue
  • Loss of libido
  • Anxiety and nervousness
  • Mood swings
  • Breast tenderness

However, there are also a number of more serious, physical symptoms. These symptoms include:

  • Irregular periods
  • Muscle weakness
  • Rapid heart rate
  • Vaginal infections
  • Osteoporosis

Other symptoms might be:

  • Gum aches
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Weight gain

Tests for Low Progesterone

Many of the above symptoms are not exclusive to progesterone levels. They may also signify fluctuating levels of estrogen, or of other bodily chemicals. To avoid ambiguity, progesterone levels can be monitored through tests. There are two types of tests that can be performed to identify your level of progesterone:

Blood test

A blood test to measure progesterone levels is simple and effective, usually giving results within 24 hours. As progesterone levels fluctuate according to your menstrual cycle, the test has to be taken after ovulation. For more information, or to arrange a test, consult with your doctor.

Saliva test

Progesterone levels can be monitored through tests, like saliva test

Progesterone levels can also be measured through a saliva sample. Around 3-5% of progesterone can be found is saliva, and this level is representative of the progesterone not currently in use in the body. A saliva test is also simple, and results can be revealed quickly. For more information, contact your doctor.

Not only are the symptoms of low progesterone unpleasant and uncomfortable, but they also reveal that the body is not at a state of full health. Once identified, it is important to treat low levels of progesterone. There are many possible treatments and remedies, for more information about progesterone imbalance click on the link below.