When women begin to reach their early forties many of them become perimenopausal and suffer from the effects of hormonal imbalance. Hormonal imbalance occurs when the body stops regularly preparing itself for pregnancy, and the ovaries desist from producing the same quantities of estrogen and progesterone hormones that they were previously. The effects of hormonal imbalance can last beyond perimenopause and carry on into menopause, making life extremely difficult.
What Are the Effects of Hormonal Imbalance?
There are many different effects of hormonal imbalance. The effects of hormonal imbalance can range between the psychological and the physiological and vary in severity. For some women, the effects of hormonal imbalance are relatively mild and do not impinge on their daily activities. For other women the effects of hormonal imbalance can be extremely severe and interfere with their ability to continue as normal.
There are many different effects of hormonal imbalance, such as:
Hot flashes
Hot flashes describes one of the effects of hormonal imbalance that can cause women to feel a sudden sensation of heat settle over their body. Hot flashes are frequently accompanied by a rapid heart rate, a red rash, and a thin layer of perspiration.
Vaginal dryness
One of the effects of hormonal imbalance is vaginal dryness. Vaginal dryness describes a woman's lack of natural lubrication in the genital area, which can make sex extremely uncomfortable. Vaginal dryness can be extremely upsetting when it begins to affect personal relationships.
Memory loss
One of the less commonly known effects of hormonal imbalance is memory loss. When women are menopausal, and suffering from the effects of hormonal imbalance, they will often find they have forgotten simple things such as where they have left the car keys.
Depression and anxiety
Depression and anxiety are two serious effects of hormonal imbalance. When there is a drop in the levels of estrogen and progesterone hormones the production of serotonin and endorphins also slows down. Without these happy hormones many women are left struggling to cope.
What Can Be Done to Beat the Effects of Hormonal Imbalance?
The effects of hormonal imbalance have to be combated by helping the body to balance its hormone levels. There are many different ways that women can go about balancing their hormone levels, however firstly they should look at making healthy lifestyle changes:
- Eat five portions of fruit and vegetables a day.
- Take regular, moderate exercise.
- Drink eight small glasses of water a day.
- Sleep for at least eight hours a day.
However, if women are suffering severely from the effects of hormonal imbalance they should visit their medical practitioner for a check up. There are various different prescribed medications available that can help with the effects of hormonal imbalance and women do not have to suffer without any help. Although natural treatments should always be the first choice there is no reason for women to endure their symptoms quietly. Click here for more information about treating the menopause and natural supplements for menopausal symptoms.