During menopause, you have to cope with vaginal dryness, hair loss, headaches, fatigue, and osteoporosis — all common symptoms of menopause. Many of these are caused by hormonal imbalances in your body during this troublesome transition.
During menopause, your hormone levels are fluctuating wildly, causing the many symptoms of menopause. Although these symptoms are perfectly natural, you may want relief from them. There are lots of methods you can try to help combat symptoms of menopause, one of them is hormone replacement therapy (HRT). Keep reading on to learn more about HRT.
What Is HRT?
When your hormone levels drop during menopause, you may experience a number of symptoms of varying severity. Common symptoms of menopause include: vaginal dryness, hair loss, osteoporosis, memory lapses, fatigue, and breast pain. You may be able to combat the symptoms of menopause by replacing the hormones you've lost during this transitional time. HRT helps to restore females hormones levels, allowing the body to function normally again. HRT is an effective method of controlling menopause symptoms.
However, long-term use of HRT is rarely recommended because it can increase the risk of developing breast and ovarian cancer, and strokes. You should discuss with your doctor if HRT is right for you. Read on to learn about the link between HRT and osteoporosis.
HRT and Osteoporosis: The Truth Uncovered

Levels of hormones can drop during menopause. One of the hormones that can be affected by menopause is estrogen. Estrogen has many roles in your body, including sodium and fluid retention. Another function of estrogen is to stimulate the production of new bones; when levels of estrogen drop in your body, the health of your bones can be compromised. They may become brittle and weak, breaking with a relatively mild blow. This is called osteoporosis, or brittle bone disorder.
HRT can be administered through patches, vaginal rings, creams, troches, intrauterine devices, gels, or by injection. They can help combat osteoporosis by replenishing your reduced levels of estrogen. However, long-term use is rarely recommended because bone density will fall quickly. Also, studies have shown that there are many side effects associated to HRT, these include: fluid retention, bloating, breast tenderness, headaches, ingestion, and depression, you should seek advice from a relevant health professional before commencing with any such treatment.