When menopause strikes, estrogen levels drop, bringing many uncomfortable symptoms with it. Mood swings, irritability, and depression can set in. To help cope with menopausal symptoms, there are numerous natural remedies available, but choosing among them can be overwhelming. Read on to find out natural alternatives to using prescription medications to help you cope with your hormones during menopause.
Natural Remedies
From yoga to herbs, choosing between the different natural remedies to help treat menopausal symptoms may seem overwhelming. Read on to find out three of the most popular natural remedies to help balance your hormones during menopause.
Good nutrition can help prevent or reduce many symptoms of menopause. Incorporate variety. Choose foods rich in fiber, calcium and iron. Eating foods high in fiber like whole-grain breads, pasta, and vegetables helps to treat digestive problems. Calcium-rich foods such as sardines, cheese, broccoli, and legumes are great to help keep osteoporosis at bay during postmenopause while pumping up your iron intake to promote a healthy circulatory system. Iron is found in red meat, poultry, fish, eggs, nuts and enriched grain products.
One of the most popular therapies to treat menopause, exercise helps overcome fatigue, stress, and boosts general well-being. Even if you've never exercised before, now is the time to start and reap its added benefits. In addition to helping maintain weight and handle stress, exercise helps combat postmenopausal osteoporosis by burning calories and strengthening bones. Strength training is equally important to helping increase metabolism and lose body fat. You don't have to become a bodybuilder to get the benefits, but you do need resistance (i.e., dumbbells) to challenge your muscles and body.
Lifestyle changes

Manage stress by introducing meditation, acupuncture or yoga into your routine. If you find you focus too much time thinking of others, plan to readjust this. Take a 30 minute break daily, relax and do something for you.
Making the commitment to managing menopause is easier said than done. However, always consult with your doctor before treating symptoms of menopause. Whatever you do, make the commitment to becoming a healthier you and learn to cope with menopause. Click here to find out more about side effects for hrt.