Natural hormone therapy is a safe alternative to hormone replacement therapy. Because of recent findings of more health risks brought on by hormone replacement therapy, many women are turning to natural hormone therapy to adjust hormone levels and live a normal life again.
Continue reading to find more about natural therapy for women.
What Is Natural Hormone Therapy for Women?

The female body has many hormones, much more than our male counterpart's, and each of these hormones plays an intricate role in the development of the body and maintains a close knit relationship between the body, mind and well being.
Natural hormone therapy is a combination of exercise, natural remedies and well-being exercises to get the body to produce hormones naturally instead of adding them to the body.
Keep reading to find out more about the people who take natural hormone therapy.
Why Take Natural Hormone Therapy?
Women who take hormone therapy are often experiencing the side effects from menopause. While either approaching menopause, going through menopause or in the postmenopause stage, women find many uncomfortable symptoms and are not able to live how they previously did.
Here is a short list of the benefits of natural hormone therapy.
- Eliminate or reduce hot flashes
- May help protect against endometrial and breast cancers
- Guard against atherosclerosis
- Protect against osteoporosis and promote bone building
- Improve concentration and memory
- Reduce symptoms of depression
- Protect against heart disease
- Promote fat burning for energy
- Prevent vaginal thinning and dryness
- Reduce sleep difficulties
- Enhance sex drive and libido
- Improve blood flow
- Improve skin elasticity and prevent thinning of skin
- Protect against fibrocystic breasts
Keep reading to find out why women choose natural hormone therapy over hormone replacement therapy.
Why Natural Hormone Therapy?
The women who take natural hormone therapy want to avoid hormone replacement therapy because of health risks.
Some of the health risks found in hormone replacement therapy are,

- Uterine cancer
- Breast cancer
- Blood clots
- Strokes
- Gallbladder disease
- Urinary incontinence
Continue reading for information on the treatment of natural hormone therapy.
Treatment for Natural Hormone Therapy
As stated above clinical procedures have left a lot of women in doubt and in fear that they could be put at risk to more serious conditions.
Natural hormone therapy is a general term for a program to get your body to produce its hormone naturally. Natural therapy consists of exercise, a healthy diet and an avoidance of harmful substances. It has been shown that exercise and a healthy diet are key to get the body back on track.
Also, alternative medicines like teas and supplements are used to reactive receptors inside the body to get the body to produce the hormones instead of throwing them into the body.
For more information on the treatment of natural hormone therapy, click on this link.