Normal Hormones Levels

Updated: Jun 18, 2020

When women are menopausal they experience a number of unpleasant signs and symptoms. These adverse menopausal side effects are caused by an imbalance of estrogen and progesterone hormone levels. For example hot flashes occur when there is a decrease in estrogen hormone levels, which help to control the body's internal temperature. However, some menopausal women ask the question, what do hormones do and what are normal hormones levels?

What Do Hormones Do?

Hormones play a large role in the body. When normal hormones levels are maintained hormones contribute to the efficient running of the body's systems. Normal hormones are chemical substances that send signals in the body to control its different functions. Normal hormones travel through the body's tissues and can significantly affect women both psychologically and physiologically.

There are many affects that women can suffer from if normal hormones levels are not maintained, for example:

  • Hot flashes
  • Night sweats
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Mood swings
  • Depression
  • Weight gain
  • Memory loss

These are only some of the 34 menopause

symptoms that occur when women do not have normal hormones levels. There are many others that women can look out for, including irregular menstrual cycles, which usually occur when women are perimenopausal.

Consequently, it is very important that women sustain normal hormones levels in order to prevent any of these adverse menopausal symptoms.

What Are Normal Hormones Levels?

hormonal imbalance range

There is actually no such thing as normal hormones levels. Every women runs on different hormones levels and every minute hormones levels change. Estrogen and progesterone hormones are propelled around the body in small waves that constantly fluctuate. The amount of hormones in the body changes according to the time of day and the stage a woman's menstrual cycle has reached.

Why Do Normal Hormones Levels Change?

Normal hormones levels can change for a number of reasons, estrogen and progesterone hormones levels can radically shift for a number of different reasons, for instance:

  • Extreme exercise training or dieting. Women's whose bodies are under stress are less able to maintain normal hormones levels.
  • Polycystic ovarian syndrome, when there are cysts on the ovaries, can leave women's bodies struggling to sustain normal hormones levels.
  • Pregnancy failure can leave the body's hormones struggling to cope, having prepared itself for a baby. However usually hormones can balance themselves again with time.
  • Menopause and perimenopause are two big causes of imbalanced hormone levels. As women get older their ovaries begin to slow down (no longer preparing for a baby) and there are fewer estrogen and progesterone hormones produced.

Thus if women are concerned that normal hormones levels are not being maintained they should investigate different treatment options. Unpleasant menopausal symptoms do not have to be tolerated without any relief. Alongside making healthy lifestyle changes, there are different natural supplements and prescribed medications that can help women with their adverse menopausal signs and symptoms.