When women are menopausal they will notice that their menstrual cycles begin to change. Shifting levels of estrogen and progesterone hormones change the frequency of women's menstrual cycles. This is natural when women are menopausal because the ovaries are beginning to slow down and eventually they stop producing new eggs. Irregular periods can begin during the perimenopause stage and last until the menstrual cycle stops completely.
What Is the Menstrual Cycle?
The menstrual cycle is an event that occurs around once a month in a woman's body. Every month the uterus grows a lining to prepare for a fertilized egg, which is then discharged by the body when no pregnancy occurs. However as women grow older their body's slowly begin to stop preparing for pregnancy and irregular periods occur.
Irregular Periods and Menopause
The menstrual cycle is controlled through estrogen and progesterone hormones. Estrogen hormones build up the lining of the uterus and progesterone hormones help to keep the lining of the wall thick and healthy. Estrogen and progesterone hormones also control when the lining of the uterus is discharged from the body. Thus during perimenopause, when hormones levels begin to change (because of the ovaries), the menstrual cycle is affected.
What Can Be Done to Help with Irregular Menstrual Cycles?
Irregular menstrual cycles that are caused by hormonal imbalances during menopause are natural. Furthermore, there is no way that women can prevent the menopause from occurring. Nevertheless, there are certain ways that women can increase their hormones levels and stop adverse menopause signs and symptoms. Firstly, women should begin by making healthy lifestyle changes to increase their hormones levels, such as:
- Having a diet rich in different nutrients
- Taking regular, moderate exercise
- Drinking enough fluids daily, this does not include alcoholic or caffeinated drinks
- It is important not to smoke in order to increase hormones levels and regulate menstrual cycles
However, there are other steps that women can take in order to increase hormones levels and regulate periods. They should next look at different natural supplements and alternative therapies that are available before investigating different prescribed medications. Some natural supplements have no risks associated with them, and are thus a more sensible option than some prescribed medications (that can come with risks). For example:
Macafem is a natural supplement that boosts the hormones levels in the body. It encourages the body to increase its production of estrogen and progesterone levels, which can temporarily help to regulate women's menstrual cycles.
Nevertheless, if women are worried about their irregular periods they should visit their medical practitioner. Although the menstrual cycle is reliant on hormone levels in the body irregular periods can very rarely signify another problem. A doctor is often able to easily ease a woman's worries about any further problems. Even so although irregular periods are a common menopausal sign, they may signify the beginning of further problematic menopause symptoms. Click here for more information about menstrual cycle and hormones, and treating menopause signs and symptoms.