Hormone Imbalance and Weight Gain

By Jenny H. | Updated: Jun 18, 2020

Menopausal women often experience unexplained weight gain

When women are menopausal they often have unexplained weight gain. Although exercising and eating the same as they always have done, menopausal women may find that they are slowly gaining weight.

However, a sedentary lifestyle or changes in diet are not often the only causes of weight gain among menopausal women. Hormone imbalance can trigger weight to be put on around the waist. Menopausal weight gain is thus hazardous because storing fat around the waist can cause other side effects such as diabetes and heart disease. Read on to find out more about how hormone imbalance can cause weight gain.

How Does Hormone Imbalance Cause Weight Gain?

Weight gain can also occur as a side effect of a number of different menopause symptoms and triggers, such as:

Lack of Sleep

Biochemically, the hormone that staves off hunger is produced during sleep, so when women are sleep-deprived, they may experience weight gain because they have an increased appetite and are likely to eat more.


Women under stress are more likely to turn to unhealthy comfort foods

When women become stressed, the hormone cortisol is produced by the body. Commonly called the “stress hormone,” cortisol causes an increase in appetite, which may lead to weight gain. Additionally, women who are stressed are more likely to turn to comfort foods, which are rarely healthy.


People who begin a course of antidepressant drugs tend to gain weight, because after people are feeling less depressed they may experience an increase in appetite. However, if women are feeling better after taking antidepressants they should not stop taking the drugs to lose weight. Rather, it is more important to exercise and eat correctly.

Treating a hormonal imbalance will help treat the root of menopausal weight gain. Read on to learn more about treatments for weight gain caused by hormone imbalance.

How Can Weight Gain Caused by Hormone Imbalance Be Treated?

A hormone imbalance at the root of weight gain can be treated in a number of ways; however, women should start by making healthy lifestyle changes, including:

A healthy diet filled with fruits, vegetables, fiber, protein, and dairy is essential.
Taking exercise is important to prevent weight gain caused by hormone imbalance.
Sleeping for at least eight hours a day also prevents hormone imbalance and subsequent weight gain.

However, if women are concerned that their weight gain is having a serious effect on their health, they should visit their medical practitioner. Obesity that begins with hormone imbalance is a dangerous disease that can have many unpleasant and dangerous side effects. Both women and men should avoid carrying too much weight around their waist. A doctor is often able to advise ways to treat a hormone imbalance and control weight gain. Click here for more information about treating weight gain caused by hormone imbalance.

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