If you cannot track the reason for your constantly runny nose and itchy throat, learning about a mold allergy might give you some answers.Mold allergy is one of the most common allergy types today.Continue reading to familiarize yourself with mold allergy, the organisms that cause it.
Allergies Articles
Blood tests are used to diagnose allergies and to monitor the effectiveness of immunotherapy, which is used to prevent allergies.Read more about allergy blood tests to learn how they can help you diagnose your allergies and manage them more accurately.
It is estimated that allergies are the sixth leading cause of chronic illness in the United States, and their prevalence is on the rise in other parts of the world as well. Click here to learn about the most common allergies, the symptoms they cause, and the available solutions.
Allergy symptoms can be relieved naturally with acupuncture, herbal supplements, and more. Be sure to click here to learn more.
If your allergies are out of control, click here to discover some common home remiedies that might be helpful for you.