4 Natural Ways to Relieve Allergies

By Agata P. | Updated: Jun 18, 2020

4 Natural Ways to Relieve Allergies

Allergies make most women feel miserable, disrupting their life and compromising their daily activity. Various natural remedies have been shown to alleviate the most troublesome allergy symptoms, such as runny nose, water eyes, and chest congestion. Continue reading to discover natural ways to relieve allergies.


Limit Exposure to Allergens

For most women, it is not possible to stay indoors for the entire duration of an allergy season, so any measures that minimize the contact with allergens are worth the effort. Some helpful ways to do so include:

Avoid using fans
They help the pollen and dust mites float in the air. Instead, use an air-conditioner or a dehumidifier with HEPA filter to catch allergens and purify the air. To prevent mold growth, keep the humidity below 50%.

  • Keep your house clean. Vacuuming twice-weekly, using mold-killing products in the bathroom, changing the sheets every week or using a dust mite-free bedding. 
  • Take care of your pets. If you have pets, do not let them inside your bedroom. Wash them and their beds often. They can carry pollen and other allergens on their fur.
  • Avoid being outdoors between 5am-10am when the pollen count is the highest. Wear an allergy mask to block the small allergens.
  • Keep the doors and windows closed so pollen does not enter your home.

Decongest Naturally

Most allergies to pollen, mold, and dust result in nasal, sinus, and chest congestion. Opening the airways can help you feel and sleep better. Here are some effective ways to decongest:

Steam inhalation

Hold your head directly over a bowl of a very warm water, put a towel on your head to create an air loop, and take deep breaths. Be careful as the hot steam can cause burns. Adding a few drops of eucalyptus or peppermint oil can make steam inhalation even more beneficial.

Hot tea, broth, or soup

The hot vapors from hot beverages relieves nasal congestion. Green and peppermint tea can contribute to breaking up the mucus and clearing the nose and throat with more ease.


Vitamins and Supplements

Some herbs and vitamins have been shown helpful in allergy relief, but they have to be taken six to eight weeks before the beginning of an allergy season. The following are some examples:

  • Butterbur, nettle leaves, quercetin, and vitamin C act as natural anti-histamines and reduce the severity of allergy symptoms.
  • Licorice helps to loosen the mucus and congestion.
  • Spirulina can alleviate symptoms of allergic rhinitis.


In case of persistent nasal congestion, eating spicy food, such Dijon mustard, horseradish, or wasabi, can temporarily relieve it. Apple cider vinergar reportedly breaks up the mucus and promotes the lymphatic drainage. Probiotics can not only relieve allergy symptoms, but also prevent it.

Any use of herbal supplements or other alternative therapies should be first consulted with a physician, as they might interact with certain medications or cause unwanted side effects. Natural remedies cannot completely cure allergies, but they can effectively lessen their impact on your health, especially when used in combination.

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