When faced with the difficult condition of frequent night sweats, it can be confusing to know which methods are worth exploring for effective relief. Depending on the cause of what you are experiencing, different solutions will be more or less successful in alleviating the problem. Fortunately; there are a plethora of choices which have been found to be successful by many women, and some that have been scientifically proven to help stop night sweats.
Avoid Spicy Food
Components in spicy food, such as capsicum in chilies, can heighten internal body temperature, and induce sweating in many women. Therefore, avoiding foods that contain these ingredients, such as chili, curry, and spicy pizza, is beneficial for decreasing sweating. This effect of spicy food can be felt in the body long after mealtimes, causing a prolonged sensation of warmth which can go on into the night and cause sweating while sleeping.
Decrease Alcohol Intake
Overconsumption of alcohol can cause night sweats in some women. This is because when you drink alcohol, the body needs time to properly metabolize it. If it is consumed at too fast a rate; however, the body will need to expel it quickly - usually in urine, but in some women this might be in the form of sweat. Considering this, a valuable method to stop sweating at night is to lower your intake of alcohol, particularly before going to bed at night.
Use Medicated Antiperspirant
For those who regularly experience excessive sweating, it might be worth looking into using a stronger, or even medicated antiperspirant. These contain a higher quantity of a compound known as aluminum chloride, which works in the body by blocking the glands which secrete sweat. It is important to administer thorough personal care if you decide to use one of these products, as they can cause irritation if not cleaned away regularly. Using moisturizer and soap designed for sensitive skin can help with this.
Consider Your Clothing
If you prefer to wear pajamas to bed, it is advisable to think about the type of material that these are made with. To help stop sweating in bed consider wearing loose, nonrestrictive clothing made from light cotton, and avoid wearing socks. Heat can permeate through the feet to the rest of the body, and keeping them warm will stop heat from escaping. Therefore, enhancing the likelihood of sweating at night.
Keep a Cool Sleeping Environment
Another considerably successful way to stop night sweats is to ensure that where you sleep is cool. Keeping windows open for as long as possible during the day as well as the night should help to ensure this, or if this is not possible you might want to consider the use of a fan or air-conditioning. Similarly, using a thin sheet. If you share a bed of course it is important to discuss these options with your partner; however, it might benefit you both to use separate blankets as required.
Knowing how to stop night sweats can be extremely helpful even if you have not suffered with this affliction, because the unfortunate fact is that they are a common complain - particularly among menopausal women. Thankfully, they can usually be significantly alleviated with a few considerations such as the above.