A study published in the British Medical Journal has shown that acupuncture is effective in relieving chronic and migraine headaches.
A team of doctors executed a study in 12 different acupuncture practices. The 401 subjects ranged in age from 18 to 65 and had migraine or tension headaches at least twice a month. They were requested to write a migraine headache diary for four weeks before treatment began, then for a period of three months as they were administered up to twelve acupuncture treatments from qualified physicians.
The article reported that the participants receiving acupuncture treatments signaled notable less frequent and less acute migraine headaches than subjects in the control group. The test subjects reported a 34 percent decrease in headaches, as opposed to 16 percent in the control group. The acupuncture patients also took 15% less medication, took 15% fewer sick days, and made 25% fewer visits to the doctor than control group subjects.
Migraine headache sufferers may want to ask their doctors about the potential benefits of acupuncture for their condition.