If you're experiencing a lot of bloating, you may be looking for lots of remedies for the problem. However, one of the easiest remedies of all is simply to manage what you eat. Reducing your intake of foods that cause bloating and eating more good foods can make it much less likely for you to experience bloating.
What to Eat
The best thing to eat to help reduce bloating is fiber. Anything with fiber in it can help reduce constipation, which makes it easier for your body to move food out of your digestive system and cuts down on bloating caused by excess material in your intestines. However, be aware that introducing too much fiber into your diet at once is likely to cause excessive gas, which may counter productively cause more bloating. Introduce fiber slowly to reduce the increase of gassiness. For example, foods rich in fiber are turmeric, nuts, oregano, fennel, among other.
While there may be other foods that are good for you and reduce your bloating, the majority of good foods are idiosyncratic. This means that they are specific from person to person, and the foods that are good for your bloating symptoms may not be good for another person's. It is best to try to record what foods do and do not trigger your bloating to figure out what foods you should be eating.
What Not to Eat
Dairy products
While not everybody is lactose intolerant, most people's digestive systems find dairy more difficult to digest than many other foods. This means that eating too much cheese or milk products can cause gas, bloating, and discomfort.
They are another famous example of foods that cause digestive upset. They are best known for causing gas, which is a major cause of bloating. This includes foods like lentils and other legumes.
Broccoli and cabbage
They are also commonly causing bloating problems. These foods usually end up causing bloating because they contain complex carbohydrates, and some people have trouble digesting these types of carbohydrates.
Carbonated drinks
Drinks can cause problems as well. Anything carbonated is likely to cause gas problems and bloating problems as a result because of the gas that it releases into your digestive system once it has been consumed. Cutting down on carbonated drinks is an easy way to significantly reduce bloating.
While bloating is never fun, a few dietary changes to avoid the foods that cause bloating can help you get a handle on your bloating and reduce the symptoms. To learn more about this problem, read about excessive gas and bloating.